
Sinopsis de TO SAVE A JEW, PART 2

"Need more books in this series. Loved this book. The Natasha Kelly, undercover Mossad agent, has a price on her head! Natasha finally returns home, looking forward to her brother's upcoming nuptials. When she receives a call from the Director of Mossad, she leaves her courier/shipping business in Katir's capable hands and flies to Israel. What Director Ravin wants her to do could bring the wrath of her fiancé Dirk Sloan down on her head. She can't go off on another mission without letting Dirk know, but Director Ravin is adamant. Natasha has a price on her head as a result of her actions against an Islamic terrorist. She'll be safer traveling in the camps of the desert Bedouin, right under Yaakov's nose, and she'll be able to discover his new plan to assault the nation of Israel. What starts as a pretend engagement to Yaakov's Bedouin guard Hassan, another Mossad undercover agent, turns into a hasty Bedouin wedding when a rival clan offers to buy Natasha Weeks pass, and Natasha is no closer to discovering when Yaakov will launch his assault on Israel. But time's run out. The rival clan accuses Natasha of having bewitched Hassan, and they send assassins after her. Natasha and Dirk will find their trust in each other and in God stretched ever further as they seek to save the Jews and the Bedouin. This series follows Natasha as she grows in faith, forgiveness, and love to battle the ancient threat against the Holy Lands and God's people, Israel. Each installment in the series solves an area of crisis and opens the door for others as the Mossad send Natasha on one mission after another and her heart at last finds a home. To Save a Jew, Part 2

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