
Sinopsis de THE LAW OF GOD

Throughout the book several principles of existence, which allow understanding how it processes, are presented. Through the various chapters is possible to understand the cycles of life, how it transforms and what the influence of karma is. It is considered as the core element of this work the fact of contributing to the learning of the divine rules and understanding of how they interact constantly in our reality. Therefore, is enunciated a broad set of rules and how they influence the transformation of reality, in a cycle of which we are co-creators. Among others, the topics covered are the positive and negative energy, the change of reality and consciousness, as well as the repetition of the experiences and permanence of emotions in time. Altogether, the various chapters intend to direct to the knowledge of the path of the spirit, its challenges and the way this is all processed in a single plane, as it is our life. It is expected that with the recognition of the values and laws set forth herein, rather than their apprehension, the reader may be able to live a life with greater control and responsibility and thus increase the proportion and magnitude of his happiness, by putting himself in the right way of life, the one which, according to this work, directs towards the creation of the universe and the supreme and universal purpose, also recognized in our material universe as God.

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