

Espionage has been evolving and, even though the methods keep improving, it follows specific paradigms. These paradigms describe wider strategies and plans that, while centuries ago where designated to promote wars and eliminate rebellions, in modern times have advanced into more obscure means. While describing a parallel between the most common forms of espionage in modern times, the book intends to show how our world has been moving towards a more complex strategy of warfare with higher purposes as it is the case of religious and spiritual espionage. It also promotes a better understanding on how strategy in espionage is related to a net of values that extends its domains in acts unseen for the vast majority of the population. Even though introducing merely basic principles it is described here the most common forms of warfare being applied in modern times. While movies and reporters show us a world representing only the surface of its consequences and not the real sources, these real sources reveal a nature far beyond what our eyes can see.

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