En el principio de los tiempos, los animales tenían voz y los hombres vivían en armonía con la naturaleza. Los mitos y leyendas mexicanos recogidos en este libro, han llegado hasta nuestros días a través de muchas generaciones y explican la visión ancestral de la creación. El relojero nos habla de la pereza; La tortuga, de la humildad y la paciencia; La lengua del chapulín, de la tarea de cada ser vivo en la Tierra y El sapo, de que la fanfarronería y el engaño, tienen siempre su castigo.Completan este precioso libro las coloridas ilustraciones de autores Mexicanos.All cultures have their own myths and legends. Many of these stories have survived until present day. In other words, they have been passed on from one generation to the next with the odd change. This book tells the story of four of these tales that have been kept“alive”by the storytelling tradition of southern Mexico. Large grasshoppers, turtles, birds, toads…are the main characters in these tales that were once the delight of the indigenous children in olden days and which continue to marvel children from other places and cultures. The view that the indigenous ancestors had of creation was that at the beginning of time, animals could speak and men lived in harmony with nature. Thus, the large grasshopper tells us that each living being must ...