
Sinopsis de MICK

**Special Pre-Order Price of $0.99 is Up to Date of Release on October 22, 2017** From the Award-winning Author of Bitter Frost Series, Loving Summer Series, FADE Series, and 50 more Series, comes... A Hate to Love Dark Humor Romantic Crime Thriller: MICK ANTI-NICE GUY 2 A Standalone and can be read as part of the Anti-Nice Guy Series Also in Development as a Television Series... MEET MICK Hi I’m Mick, the anti-Anti-Nice Guy, meaning I’m the nicest one of the bunch but still not a nice guy.  I even look like a nice guy because of my baby face or as the guys call it…my pretty boy face. In the field, I’m known as The Prince. Dark hair and baby blue eyes, along with killer abs and a cocky attitude to go with it too. I look like the football hero and popular boy next door.  Moms love me, and Grandmothers pinch my cheeks whenever I visit their homes.  And the girls, well, they pretty much love and pinch my cheeks but not the ones their grandmothers pinch, you know what I mean.  I love the girls, I really do. But I love my work even more.  Which makes me someone No Girl should ever fall in love with…ever. You see, I’m one of the Anti-Nice Guys. And that’s all you need to know. MEET JESSICA “JESS” I finally found a place where I can find some peace and quiet.  It’s a small cozy cottage near the beach in Orange County, California.  Exact location I can’t disclose because I’m still incognito. I think I can stay here long enough until I get my sh$t together.  There aren’t many neighbors around.  They pretty much keep to themselves.  It’s a nice beach community, and people are pretty laid back.  This place gives me a chance to regroup, to come to terms with what happened.  I try to be cordial with everyone around, but not too friendly.  I won’t be staying long. But I can’t help noticed the guy who lives next door to me.  Everything here has been great except for him and his constant parade of women going into his place.  One after another. And the noise they make. The banging and the groaning.  Are they shooting a movie? So, I make the mistake of going over to his place and knocking on the front door.  He is the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen, and he was barely covered in a towel.  The ruffled hair and cocky grin was arresting, but it was the way he looked me over that made me lose my concentration for a second. Hunger and possession. I’ve haven’t seen that look on anyone since Danny.  But this guy was no Danny.  He’s younger than me, gorgeous where Danny was rough.  And he clearly wanted me. So, that’s where this craziness all began…

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