
Sinopsis de JORDAN'S ROAD

Jordan’s Road: The Way of the Spirit in the Hard Things is a tender, heartfelt and unique telling of a journey through loss and grief. This is a journey we all must take at some point in our lives. Unfortunately, in our modern-day culture the practice of honoring our losses, sitting with them and holding them close, is becoming less and less common. Although they are the most difficult things we will encounter, these losses can also fill us with love, warmth, and wisdom that will serve us for the rest of our own lives. Laurie Berry Clifford, through recounting her own personal journey of bereavement, provides a map of how to face these very hard things with faith and hope, and illustrates the power and presence of Grace—a presence that makes itself known in sometimes surprising ways. Jordan's Road shows us how, when we truly listen to our own inner guidance, our spirits can be uplifted in times of loss, and how we can offer assistance to those who are leaving as well as to those who are left behind.

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