
Sinopsis de IMPLANTS

There’s a clear social program being implanted in human beings with the purpose of transforming them into obeying machines. It’s so well-built that matches perfectly into what is learned inside the educational system, famous religions and even whist is known in science. Within this program, much truth has been suppressed, so that the world may continue in spiritual slavery, not knowing how far everyone is from the true reality being hidden below the surface. Within this reality, we can see who is creating the rules and who’s following them, noticing how fate is often just a consequence of those who change such rules. Taking into consideration this perspective, the content of this book intends to reveal some of the biggest lies in the world, while providing the tools that allow breaking the chain of mind-slavery and realize that the real world isn’t as pretty as we would like to believe. In this awakening, we release ourselves from a zombie-like state in which the vast majority of society is being held.

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