
Sinopsis de HANA DU ROSE

A secret marriage. A dangerous pursuer. And a disastrous life lesson with far reaching consequences. Hana’s fledgling marriage hits a roadblock when she sees the Du Rose family’s true colours first hand. They operate under a twisted moral code and she makes a formidable enemy from within her husband’s inner circle. The blonde man continues to toy with her and events take a terrifying turn after a friend’s betrayal. Should she run or should she stay? Awarded 5* by Readers' Favorite. Readers say, "The writer has a superb talent for making you feel like you are there." A quote from the novel - 'Logan Du Rose resembled a deep lagoon. No matter how far Hana dived into the black water, she might never find the bedrock. She may have miles to chart or be about to break her neck on the bottom.' If you like a gripping saga which keeps you on your toes, then you’ll love The Hana Du Rose Mysteries. Buy Hana Du Rose and come with us to Aotearoa, Land of the Long White Cloud. Find beauty and danger beneath the same sky.

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