
Sinopsis de 2012, CHINA AND BEYOND

Everyone worried about the predictions related to 2012 and the end of the world, but even though this year has passed, the structure of the old system remains, reason why many still believe in prophecies such as the one of Nostradamus, in which a third antichrist would create another holocaust on Earth. According to his words, “the third antichrist annihilates everything and twenty-seven years of blood his war lasts. The unbelievers are killed, arrested or exiled with hounds, while many human bodies cover the waters”. With the same vision in mind, the author analyzes current events from different perspectives, in order to describe the meaning they have for the future of mankind and explain their impact on an individual level. The content presented emphasizes the role of China as the most powerful nation, the behavior of our leaders, the thinking patterns of this civilization and the tendencies leading to the manifestation of a hidden agenda. But, it also describes the main defense mechanisms that a person can apply in order to control the effects of these outcomes while diminishing fears, saving others and creating a wiser lifestyle. This book was thought for the common good of the next generations and shows how each individual can contribute positively by moving in the right direction.

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