
Sinopsis de THE DOVE

~ Five brothers, one family tragedy, untold heartache. ~ I am the missing piece. The little girl lost. The heartache that has haunted my family for over a decade—their greatest joy and their greatest pain. Over the last ten years, I’ve lived in the memories of those I love the most, trapped in their tears, weaved into the fabric of their lives, whispering the truth to their souls. But it’s time for me to tell my story. It’s finally my time. My name is Claire Creed. I am The Dove. ***READER NOTE*** ***This is the sixth and final book of this 6-part emotional family saga series. You have followed the Creed family and gotten each brother’s love story. You also finally know what happened to Claire—it’s time to hear it in her own words. ***Due to violence, graphic content, and potential triggers, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18. Please read with care. ***Also, please take note that The Dove is I cannot stress this enough. It also contains HUGE spoilers for anyone who has not already read the series. So, if you haven’t read the first five books . . . STOP! Do not pass Go, do not collect $200. Go do that first. I’ll wait for you here. I promise it’s worth it. Here they are in order: The Executioner The Rainmaker The Gunman The Prodigal The Silencer If you have read all of these, well, then you’re ready for Claire’s story. Buckle your seatbelts, kids. It’s about to get emotional.

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