
Sinopsis de SLENDER MAN

Slender Man Chapter Horror Stories is the firfst book of Slender Man Chapter 3. shadows in the dark . it starts off with Lisa encountering the slender man. The Slender man dashes right through Lisa’s body, as Lisa falls back onto her back and rolls to her right side and into an open rooms door. She rolls and curls her feet in close to her body and springs herself back onto her own two feet. She flashes her flashlight around the room and sees the old dusty paper and broken old office chair and office desk with broken drawers. Missy runs down to where James and Scott are at. And setting up the surveillance system for their ghost hunting hobby. She screamed as she gets closer to the boys, James turns his head suddenly and looks at Missy running towards them screaming her head off!!! James leaps over the curved counter desk and grabs Missy by the shoulders and shakes her a bit to get her to focus. He asks her what’s the matter? Where’s Lisa? Missy grasp for fresh air and tells James she left her back up the middle hallway with that tall skinny slender man…

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