Algunas personas son muy sexistas. Ya había llenado de carteles el barrio en otra ocasión, pero esta vez me esmeré, mejor dicho, nos esmeramos elaborando un plan de acción. Marketing y publicidad. Es lo que vende cualquier producto. Aquí se trataba de vender mi cuerpo como baby sitter, o sea, como canguro, cuidando niños a domicilio durante las ausencias de sus padres. Some people are really sexist. I had filled the area with bill posters once before, but this time I took great pains, rather, we took great pains, to come up with a plan of action. It’s marketing and advertising that can sell any product. The idea here was to sell my services as a baby sitter, you know, looking after children at home while their parents are out. Pili knows all about it. Pili earns great money doing it and now I had her inestimable help to find clientele and get around my“gender problem”, as she calls it, not to mention other little hitches. For example, it seems that my youth isn’t so welcomed by the distinguished public, although the greatest hindrance, let’s face it, is that I am male.