
Sinopsis de REUNION, BOOK 3

<b>What a difference ten years makes.</b> In high school, Chloe was the popular girl, the arm candy of the football team's quarterback. She ran with the cool crowd, and enjoyed her status, even if that meant doing some things she wasn’t very proud of. Although she's moved on and is a veterinarian now, she still remembers her high school years fondly. Thrilled to go to her high school reunion, she's even more thrilled to run into Michael Milani. Hot, sexy, and dominant, he also happens to be a billionaire through the success of his software company. Unfortunately the new romance is quickly shaken when Chloe discovers that Michael is one of the very people she and her clique bullied and harassed all those years ago. And he sure as hell hasn't forgotten it. Could his fascination with her just be vengeance for all the pain she had caused? Chloe will do anything to right this wrong, especially once she discovers she's pregnant with his child. <b>Reunion is a three part series about three friends finding love at their high school reunion—</b>

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