

Exploring the main themes of communication (or the lack of it) in today’s world; creating Art for its own sake; confronting a terminal disease; embracing Life as it is; work-place abuse by incompetent bosses; unrequited love for one’s spouse; searching for one’s true identity and place in society; and embarking on a mind-expanding spiritual journey – this novel called ***Going Places, Letting Go*** has them all! Going Places, Letting Go is a slice of life about friends and acquaintances unable to make firm commitments to their dead-end careers and arid relationships. In addition, as the specter of mortality hangs over their heads like the sword of Damocles, the narrative reveals how particular individuals cope with existential alienation and its twin, emotional stagnation. Loosely based on true events, the novel is a reflection of contemporary self-absorption, as exemplified by face-down pedestrians staring fixedly at their smartphones. Although our high-tech age promises rapid global communication, it often fails to satisfy on a personal level when individuals confront baffling issues symptomatic of the human condition. In the final analysis, most of the anthropo-centric characters of novel remain locked in the cocoons of their own making. Only a few independents possess the fortitude of will to move on and achieve a measure of balance by fashioning well-integrated lives interconnected with, and not isolated from, other sentient beings in the natural world. They are the ones who, realizing inner and outer harmony in their reinvented lives, are able to transcend their formerly insurmountable difficulties and finally let go of problematic attachments. In the end, they are the ones going places.

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