

The book puts this in simple terms so that you are able to start off with letting go small things and work your way towards the bigger picture. Ultimately, what we truly yearn for is a sense of fulfillment and happiness in life. Holding grudges to your grave is not something you would wish for, both for yourself and even others. We only live once so don’t leave behind disappointments and regrets. I was prompted to write down all that I know about forgiveness, so that others never have to go through the kind of tragic experience I witnessed. Despite the general idea of forgiveness, which is “sacrificing” yourself for others, it is actually more than that. In fact, forgiveness is a “gift” that you give to yourself and people you love. You may not see it like this at the moment, but once you study what I’m about to share, you should be able to put negativity behind you and start to enjoy life to its full extent. Any kind of negativity will hold you back. Forgiveness is the life preserver every day offers you. It is your choice whether you take it, but once you do, you will understand how much it changes everything about your life and frees you from all of the pain and bitterness that come with it.

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