

#2.The New Covenant -- The Lord explains **WHY** it is far better to be a Christian than any other religion with an example of a criminal who robs a corner store. This one criminal act requires TWO types of forgiveness, (1).the criminal needs to seek forgiveness FROM the store owner, but this does not address (2).the issue of the punishment due, perhaps 5 years in prison; how does a criminal gain forgiveness of the punishment for breaking the law? The Lord explains that many fail to understand that God is not that different, the punishment {or debt} for our sins, even the smallest never goes away. We need to deal with the issue of (1).our RELATIONSHIP with God {like that of the criminal store owner}, but this does not address (2).the consequences of sin, the punishment due, read Matt.18:21~35. The Lord explains that people from other religions can get to Heaven, since they can deal with (1).by seeking forgiveness from God the Father, BUT -- like the criminal and the LAW-- this does NOT address the consequences of sin, the punishment due for breaking God's LAW. The Lord explains that there are therefore TWO issues, (a).getting to Heaven and (b).**WHEN**, how long will it take for a sinner to pay the price for their sins? Which the Lord points out in Matt.18:35 is **UNTIL** the debt is paid to the last nickel. However, God so loved the world that He came as Christ {God in Human form}. Christ literally suffered and died so that that He can TAKE ON, shoulder, bear, carry our sin-debt. The punishment we are due to pay for the sins we commit we can TRANSFER or MOVE onto Christ. The Lord explains that sin-debt never vanishes, disappears by magic or a puff of smoke, BUT Christ literally PAYS instead of us, bears our punishment due, ransoms us, purchases us with His Blood, but if you're not a Christian then basically you're stuffed, you have to pay yourself. The Lord explains that it is in BECOMING a Christian that we come under the NEW COVENANT in Jesus Christ and then have ACCESS to this ability to MOVE our sin-debt onto Christ for Him to bear and shoulder in our place. But if you're not a Christian then there is NO WAY to deal with (2).the sin-debt due -- the CONSEQUENCE of sin. Souls can still get to Heaven, but the issue is **WHEN** -- how long in God's prison? See Matt.18:21~35. This is **WHY** being a Christian is FAR BETTER than any other religion, the ability to MOVE our sin-debt onto Christ. Although there are many paths to Heaven, many fail to promote **WHY** it is better to be a Christian, we can off load the CONSEQUENCES of breaking God's Law {sin-debt} onto Jesus Christ and be in Heaven far sooner. The Lord explains that anyone can choose to become a Christian, it is free, however, there is a CONDITION, which again many fail to understand. Jesus states the condition in various places for instance Matt.6:12 -- IF we forgive others THEN Jesus will take away, pay, forgive our sin-debt-due. If we do NOT forgive others then neither will Christ forgive us our sin-debt. IF we partly forgive THEN we will only gain -- proportional, measure for measure debt relief, the FISH -- which is the mathematical proportional sign of the New Covenant -- the measure we give is the measure we shall receive. There are many paths from all religions or none, which lead to Heaven, the issue becomes HOW LONG WILL EACH PATH TAKE since we each need to pay the debt for our sins. This is **WHY** Christianity is far BETTER than any other religion since we can CALL DOWN Christ, who then deals with our sin-debt and ransoms us**

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